16 December 2010

December Daily - Day Fifteen

Anna gets a dollar from the tooth fairy. She tells me that she saw a light outside and it was probably the tooth fairy flying away. She said that the tooth fairy tapped her on her shoulder in the middle of the night and then she woke up and found the dollar. Really!?

I send Anna to school and go to the office for the first time all week.

Fast forward through a day of nothing exciting.

It was a Merry Maids day! Clean house. (maybe I will use something from their leave behind to scrap this day)

I try to head to bed early. Kevin takes a picture of me so I have something to capture today.

Then Carter is up with his asthma bothering him and the prescriptions are waiting for pick up at CVS. But it's freezing drizzle outside and I didn't want to go get them. I end up going to bed after 10:30, so much for going to bed early.

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