14 January 2008

Working the sweat out

Tonight Kevin was watching American Gladiators and Anna started her own version in the living room. first jumping on the trampoline then running across the living room and back. then scissor steps on the trampoline. then she came over and informed us she was "working the sweat out."

I worked the sweat out in the basement to Kendra's "martial arts" moves and then a 20 minute bikini body routine. Then I ate a small bowl of ice cream.


Goal Update

Today: 137
Goal: 125
Pounds Lost: 1
Pounds To Go: 12

137 3 days in a row officially means I've lost one pound since 12/31 aka two weeks. Ugh. I must admit I'm slightly irritated with this whole losing weight thing. I'm not very good at it. I like to eat. I like to eat food that tastes good. I don't like to be hungry. I don't especially enjoy working out.

I really have spring fever. Spring is awesome. Royals start. It gets warmer. The clothes get lighter. You don't have to have a chair just for coats, mittens and hats when you go out to eat. March madness. My birthday. It gets green. You can go outside without your teeth chattering. I realize we have a ways to go. C'mon spring.

1 comment:

Ramsey Mohsen said...

You know we watch American Gladiators tonight too (it was our commercial channel while watching the Daily Show) and we just thought if the people on that show didn't read from a script/cue cards, it'd be a lot better. I feel like 'cheesy' lines are almost too much. So much it ruins the show. We enjoyed muting the show and making our own captions 'Mystery Science Theater' style for the majority of the program.