Yesterday we went to the MU KU game at Arrowhead. This is only my 4th event at Arrowhead and I've lived in KC my entire life. And two of my events were concerts.
We were lucky enough to have Zach and Kristin come over early to babysit the kids all day. Thanks guys!
We bundled up and tailgated before the game. We got very lucky and our seats turned out to be under the overhang. This was critical because it was a wintry mix the entire game and most people were soaked.
The boys:
Our setup:
The girls:
Our own personal porta potty:
You can really see the snow coming down here:
If only this had been the final score.
30 November 2008
MU Game
Posted by
Girly girl
8:08 AM
28 November 2008
Today I am playing SAHM (stay at home mom) on a week day because I have the day off. Of course, as a working mom with an extra day off I tend to overload my to-do list.
1. Finish putting pictures in frames, possibly hang some
2. Finish week in the life album: Print my journaling, Laminate the cover, Finishing touches. Photograph. Post online
3. Laundry
4. Dishes
5. Vacuum
Anna is begging me to take them to Paradise Park so I'm trying to decide if I'm up for that adventure today and how that fits in with a possible nap schedule.
I also need to do something with the four boxes of clothes a distant relative gave me. I think I am going to just give these to my mom to use as extra clothes for the kids when they are at grandma's house. It's no secret I love to shop so I really don't need any of these clothes for the kids. I think last time she gave me all this stuff I took it to Goodwill so someone else who really needs it could use it.
I am trying so hard to purge, not keep extra stuff, find some organization to my household. And then somehow more junk - lots of it - boxes and boxes - somehow make it into my house. Seriously, have we met? We never unpack all the boxes after each move we make so what makes other people think they should give us more old stuff that we will never go through and only have to move later?
And then I think, I should be thankful that I have too much stuff.
25 November 2008
Family Photos
Mike Freeland takes the best pictures. He did our wedding photos and about a month ago we did some fall family pics. I'm going to have a hard time choosing. Here are just a few of the more than 150 to pick from.
24 November 2008
23 November 2008
Anna says...
So I DID manage to get all of those things on my list done, plus make the appetizer I remembered I had planned to take. I did get an extra hour though because Kevin didn't get off work until noon. We arrived around 4 pm at the same time as Kevin's brother-in-law and his wife. Today we had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner and then packed it back up and headed home. We got here around 7:30. Kind of a quick trip.
Tassie cut her paw on the farm but I think she is going to be ok. I think Sonar would have preferred to stay, although he did sleep on Anna's lap on the way back which was pretty cute.
On the way down we experienced this cute "Anna says"
Anna: Look a statue.
Me: That's a cemetary.
Anna: No, it's a statue patch. Like a flower patch.
I will forever call cemetaries statue patches. I thought this was so clever.
Really glad this is only a 3 day work week for me.
Posted by
Girly girl
9:19 PM
Labels: anna says, cara, family, kevin, sonar, tassie, thanksgiving
22 November 2008
Thanksgiving #2
Today we go to Kevin's parents for Thanksgiving #2. Carter got pink eye on Thursday so I worked from home yesterday and then I came down with a cold last night. Carter was up at some point in the middle of the night to "wock" = rock and I was up several times blowing my nose and sneezing. I'm also trying really hard NOT to get pink eye.
So in the next two hours I'm planning to
1. Bathe the kids because there is no hot water in the bathtub at Kevin's parents house
2. Pack
3. Dishes
4. Move laundry to dryer
5. Shower and get myself ready
I crossed almost everything off the list on Thursday, even with Carter being my buddy all day, so wish me luck this morning. I should have got up earlier but I feel like crap.
Posted by
Girly girl
9:28 AM
Labels: carter, family, kevin, thanksgiving
20 November 2008
Thanksgiving #1
So we had our first of 2 (or possibly 3) Thanksgivings last weekend. Since everyone was together on my side of the family we also sang Happy Birthday to Carter and I had a Sesame Street cake made.
My brother Zach and his wife Kristen got us what could possibly be the most annoying toy ever. I really thought I had seen them all but with no volume control and no off switch this one might take the taco. It is soon to be banished to being an outdoor toy.
My grandpa was released from the hospital to join us for the Thanksgiving dinner which was nice. Then he had to be back by 5. They say he had a mild stroke. Today he starts rehab for his fingers. He is now back at home.
I was thankful to get to see my cousins on my mom's side which I don't see very often. One just got married last summer and the other is engaged to get married this summer.
Today I have a long list of to-do's. I was going to work until I realized I will be doing Thanksgiving #2 this weekend and then next week is Thankgiving so the stores will be super crazy. I have to do these errands today since some involve mall and toy stores.
1. Grocery Shopping for next week since I won't be able to go on Sat. or Sun. This means I might have to cook and freeze some stuff today if at all possible cause produce isn't going to make it that long.
2. Macys to get lancome toner and mascara
3. Get Carter a Bday present (his bday is the 29th which is the Sat after Thanksgiving and god knows I'm not gonna try to hit a toy store between Thanksgiving and Saturday.)
4. Long underwear to wear to the MU KU game at arrowhead on the 29th (also on Carter's bday)
5. Find someone to watch the kids while we go to the MU KU game
6. Call Mike our photographer and give him credit card info to pay for sitting fee. Hope to get a login to view proofs today. very excited about these
7. Need a few more frames from Michael's to complete the framing project
8. Print and finish week in the life album (ok this probably won't get done but in an ideal world)
9. Target
- lotion
- toothpaste for kevin
- shaving cream
- diapers
- diet mt dew for kevin
- any entertaining & food items needed for trip to kevin's parents
So needless to day I'm drinking the coffee as fast as I can. I dropped the kids off at daycare to try to be as efficient as possible.
Ready - Go!
Posted by
Girly girl
9:18 AM
Labels: carter, family, thanksgiving
15 November 2008
Thank god its the weekend. Another crazy work week ending with a crazy Friday. Also, last night my grandpa had to go to the hospital last night because he couldn't feel three of his fingers. Or at least this is the telephone-effect-report I received. Not sure what is really wrong yet.
Here's everything I would LIKE to get done today. Reality? Probably half?
Nail salon
Grocery shopping
Pick up a few more frames at a different Michaels
Print week in the life album journaling
Laminate cover for week in the life album
Laundry. Lots and lots of laundry
Toy pickup
Go to Sam and Candi's for dinner and cards
I came home yesterday to find out my hubby is paying my car off! Best early xmas present! I now love him forever :)
Posted by
Girly girl
8:13 AM
09 November 2008
Still Here!
I have been out of commission for while since work has been so crazy. Kevin had also been out of town on hunting trips so I had the kids all to myself two weekends in a row. He gets back tonight and that was his last trip for the season.
I did get some more scrap time in with my BFF. I filled all my pattern paper slots in my "week in the life" album and finished all my days of the week titles. I downloaded some of Ali's digital layouts and copied my journaling from my blog into the layouts, getting them to fit within one 8.5x11 page. Since I only have a normal printer I am printing my journaling on 8.5x11 to adhere to my 12x12 page. I'll add some some embellishments or ribbon I think. I did my title for the front of the album. It's close to wrapping up but I think it will be next weekend before it's final.
Today I made a trip to Michael's and got 12 8x10 frames and 4 5x7 frames and one with two 5x7 openings in one frame. The 8x10 frames were 2 for $9 it was such a deal. The others were 40% off. I have a lot of posed photos of the kids over the years that have just been sitting in a box up stairs. I finally decided to just do all black frames with white mattes and to put them going up and down the stairs we have (this gives me four walls to do arrangements). I got some of them in the frames tonight but not all and haven't hung yet. I am excited about this project too and promised myself to finish it by the time Thanksgiving is over.
Speaking of... we are doing Thanksgiving at my grandparents this weekend as well as a little party for Carter's birthday. It's early but the only time everyone could get together. I ordered a Sesame Street cake at the grocery store this morning that I'm sure will be a hit. I can't believe my baby will be 2.
Well I'm sure that's enough writing to catch everyone up for the last week.
Posted by
Girly girl
8:29 PM
Labels: carter, friends, kevin, scrapbooking, shopping
03 November 2008
I'm voting for
Obama. And so should you. Especially if you live in Missouri.
Posted by
Girly girl
9:20 PM
02 November 2008
Today we were up early because of the time change. I had done meal planning, showered, been to the grocery store and back all by 10:30. It was a beautiful day so I let the kids play outside until lunch.
Our neighborhood isn't very old so it cracked me up when Anna thought the few leaves from our lonely tree in front was a "huge pile." I thought back to when we lived in Prairie Village before she was born, at all the huge oak trees we had that would dump a foot of leaves over the entire ground and clog our gutters causing the rain to overflow and make our basement leak. I'm sure this is the only reason we own a rake today and that it has hung in our garage since then until I pulled it out today. Anna and I raked the leaves IN to a pile. The kids jumped and then Carter raked all the leaves OUT of the pile. Anna picked more leaves from a tree by the house to put into the pile. And then they did some swinging.
We went inside for lunch, a quick trip to Target and Walmart looking for clearance halloween items. Then we all took a nap for at least 2 hours and the kids for 3. There is nothing like a good nap.
Serious scrap time on Saturday with Candi. Look for updates on my Week In The Life Album soon.
Posted by
Girly girl
10:04 PM