04 May 2011

The trip that wasn't meant to be

I had originally planned to run the Oklahoma City half marathon last weekend. Candi and I had picked this race because of the time of year, it proximity to KC and I also liked it because my friend Molly's parents live there. At the time we signed up Molly had taken up running and planned to run with Candi and I in OKC. I was going to stay an extra night and hang out with Molly, her little girl and Molly's parents.

A few weeks ago Molly called and sadly let me know that she has a back injury and couldn't run. She still hoped to make it to OKC but that her little girl (who is so adorable) has been sick off and on for weeks and really they needed to stay home to get her better. TOTALLY understood. No big deal.

I moved my return flight to be a day earlier, knowing that I didn't need to hang out with her parents without her :)

Then, a week before the race Candi called. The birth mom they were adopting the baby of went into labor. Totally legitimate excuse for not running :)

So, I could have flown to OKC to run a race by myself. But that didn't really sound like much fun. I had just traveled almost constantly for a week, going to Indy for work and then San Antonio with the kids to see my brother so I was exhausted.

Canceled the trip. Great decision. I still feel behind. And tired. Can't seem to get caught up. The race was also delayed by 30 minutes and cold and rainy. Ick. Not sorry I missed that.

And I totally haven't run in more than two weeks. Turns out I'm not a very good runner with out my running buddy.

1 comment:

RunToTheFinish said...

ohh i didn't know all the reasons you ended up not going. totally legit and hey you missed some crappy weather